American Security Force Archives - Page 4 of 15 - American Security Force
Private Security is Growing Around the Globe

Private Security is Growing Around the Globe

With terror attacks on the rise, the need for private security is increasing in countries around the globe. This is particularly true in Germany where over one million refugees arrived last year. During the month of July, three terror-related incidents occurred that...
Violent Crimes in Los Angeles

Violent Crimes in Los Angeles

Violent Crimes happen at the rate on one every 26-seconds in the U.S. That’s according to Protection 1 Home Security. The firm recently released their “Where Crime Happens” report. As of this writing, reports that there have been 644 murders in...
Security Technology Today

Security Technology Today

Just 15 years ago, the security business was fairly low-tech. Guards were posted, carried out their duties and then completed paper reports. But after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, a new emphasis was placed on security technology and the industry has gone...
Security Guard Screening & Training

Security Guard Screening & Training

Questions about the screening and training of security guards are in the news again. They come after officials learned that the shooter involved in the Orlando nightclub attack, Omar Mateen, was a security guard. What is more troubling, though, is that the F.B.I....