Specialized Healthcare Security Services

Our professional healthcare security solutions safeguard patients, staff, and visitors, allowing you to continue delivering quality service without safety concerns.

Healthcare Security Services

A Unified & Proactive Approach to Ensuring Security for Hospitals and Healthcare

American Security Force is a top-rated security service provider for North America’s medical and healthcare industry. Our expertise extends to hospitals, nursing facilities, emergency departments, hospice teams, and research centers. We understand the specific security challenges of healthcare institutions and are dedicated to maintaining a safe environment through proactive security solutions.

Healthcare Security: Benefits of Partnering with American Security Force

At American Security Force, our goal is to provide safety and reassurance for healthcare professionals and their patients. In line with this commitment, we proudly offer the following advantages.

Highly-Trained Teams

Our healthcare security guards are extensively trained to perform their duties, such as responding to emerging threats, de-escalating, monitoring sensitive areas, and liaising with emergency services.

Innovative Technology

We utilize state-of-the-art equipment, including latest video surveillance, electronic access control solutions, and intrusion detection solutions, to deliver exceptional healthcare security.

Total Transparency

Through transparency and open communication channels, we can guarantee complete assurance, and you’ll be in the know regarding our approaches, findings, and results.

Tailored Solutions

Working closely with healthcare institutions allows us to tailor our services and design efficient strategies to suit each client’s unique needs and challenges.

Extensive Experience in Healthcare Security

With over twenty years of expertise, we can expertly deliver effective solutions that align with your facility’s specific infrastructure and requirements. Through high volumes of outpatients, staff, and visitors, healthcare institutions face unique security issues that require professional guidance, which American Security Force diligently provides.

From qualified security guards to high-quality surveillance, we utilize our extensive experience to provide customized services that safeguard your assets while ensuring the well-being of everyone on your premises.

Security Surveillance Hospital

Why Work With American Security Force?

Impeccable Security

Combining physical and digital security solutions for robust protection for staff members, patients, visitors, and assets.

Specialized Training

Our team is expertly trained in Fire and Life Safety, emergency response, crisis intervention, evacuation assistance, etc.

Regulatory Compliance

We guarantee complete compliance with regulatory frameworks, including but not limited to HIPAA, CMS, OSHA, and NFPA.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Healthcare Security Services

Many healthcare facilities struggle to balance employing effective security measures to offer protection and maintaining a welcoming environment. Hospitals and similar locations are susceptible to violence, conflicts, and other challenges that arise from patients and visitors. Whilst reactive measures can help manage these healthcare security incidents, a professional, comprehensive, and proactive approach is required.

American Security Force recognizes the unique challenges and sensitivities involved in healthcare security. Our approach ensures a safe and secure environment for patients, staff, and visitors while maintaining a high level of empathy and discretion. We're committed to providing a security presence that supports the healing environment of your healthcare facility.

Security professionals from American Security Force in healthcare settings are not just guards; they are an integral part of the healthcare team. They are trained to navigate the complexities of healthcare environments and understand patient privacy concerns. With a focus on customer service, they help ensure a welcoming atmosphere while being prepared to act swiftly to protect the well-being of everyone in the facility.

Our security professionals undergo a robust training program tailored to healthcare environments. This includes understanding HIPAA for patient privacy, handling aggressive behavior with appropriate crisis intervention techniques, responding to emergencies, and performing escorting duties. Continuous education ensures our staff stays updated with the latest healthcare security protocols and best practices.

American Security Force deploys a comprehensive assessment strategy to develop standardized security programs tailored to each healthcare facility's unique environment, requirements, culture, and operations. Our programs are continuously monitored and adjusted to adapt to the evolving needs of the healthcare industry, ensuring that we provide effective and consistent security services that comply with regulatory requirements.