After San Bernardino We Need More Security - American Security Force

After San Bernardino We Need More Security

by | Dec 9, 2015 | Security

San Bernardino was the site for a horrible fatal shooting last week.  Being based in Southern California, it really hit home for us. Fourteen innocent people were killed and 20 others wounded at a get together to celebrate the holidays. Since the shooting, we’ve learned that it was planned terrorism: An attack by a married couple, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the couple was planning an even larger attack involving locations with more people than the one carried out.

Avoiding Another San Bernardino

The incident raises many questions about our readiness as a nation to prevent terrorist attacks. addresses some of these concerns in an article this week that looks at some of the gaps in our terror defenses and why we were unable to detect this shooting before it happened.

While questions at the national level will continue to be asked, at the local level, it seems obvious that the need for additional security will be a must. Our police forces cannot be everywhere at once. Because of that fact, they are largely a reactive force, typically arriving at a scene after an incident has occurred.

Security solutions are needed that are proactive with the ability to stop or deter terrorists before shootings begin. That means additional security officers are needed at places where large numbers of people gather. After all, it was this type of location that was being considered by Farook and Malik as another potential target.

After San Bernardino. large business owners, shopping areas, schools and universities should all reexamine their security measures, looing for potential gaps and then plan to fill them. Quickly. Before another terror incident happens.

American Security Force not only supplies security guards to businesses, it also helps create individualized security plans that fit the needs of your property or company. For more information on how we can help, call us today at 877-722-8585.



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